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ViaMy – The New Way to Find True Love
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Those of us who are active in online dating sites can`t help but notice how we endlessly run around in circles with no love in sight. Things used to be simpler back in the days when friends and colleagues introduced us to potential mates. First dates seemed more familiar back then; and singles had a better chance of finding true love.

Digital dating goes back to the basics

ViaMy, which is a free dating app, brings a fresh new approach to digital dating. For the first time, singles can meet like-minded singles based on their phone Contacts. Unlike algorithm-based dating apps such as Tinder, Badoo or OkCupid that are based on a conventional  approach, ViaMy goes back to the days when dating was familiar and personal with a real chance of finding a match.

ViaMy brings the best of both worlds by enabling singles to date other singles who share mutual friends – just like in the good old days. And when singles have more in common with one another, dates become more respectable, sincere, and focused on finding real love rather than a one-time fling.

How to find your true love with ViaMy

Registering to ViaMy takes seconds and instantly allows you to meet singles on the general ViaMy network. For those wishing to take the app a few steps further, ViaMy also features 3 optional circles based on your Contacts. Circle 1 includes all singles using ViaMy who are also on your contact list. Circle 2 expands the pool to include singles on your contacts` contact list; while Circle 3 goes one step further to include contacts of people in Circle 2.

Dating with ViaMy is for serious people interested in long-term relationships. The dating experience becomes personal again, and much more conducive to finding a real match, or what we call "true live".


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